Teens for Him ✝️ (Introduction)

 Hello All! This is not your ordinary blog, this is a safe space for all! I am Kinsleigh Mitchell, I’m 16 years old, and I’m getting to know Christ better just like you. This blog, is nothing but me spreading the word of my lord and savior, plus hoping that I get you guys to know him better. Making the lord and savior of your life isn’t easy, let me tell you! You have to fully commit to being his servant, and letting him help you in difficult situations. And that was my problem! Trying to fix everything about my whole life and my whole situation. I realized… I should’ve went to him first, instead of going head on in every situation I had. But, when you do make that decision to make him your lord and savior… IT’S LIFE CHANGING! Your whole body will change, you will feel different! I’m just here to help you get there! ❤✞


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